Building Level Team (BLT)
Building Level Team (BLT)
What is BLT?
BLT stands for building leadership team. It is a group of individuals (teachers, staff and parents) that identify goals for school improvement. The process includes the examination of data, identifying current, successful practice as well as areas of concern to the school and community. We use this information to develop goals and create a plan for implementation.
Who Should Join the BLT?
The group should reflect our diverse community of creative and innovative thinkers. In addition to faculty and staff, we want family members as well as community members. As a parent and community member, you have a unique perspective that can add depth to setting our goals and helping achieve them.
Do I Need Specific Training to Be a BLT Member?
No. We would like each member to come to the meeting with new ideas, a willingness to work hard, make a commitment to take on challenges, and think critically about how to improve our school.
How Do I Fnd Out More Information About the BLT?
Please click here to print out the form, including your name and your contact information. Mrs. Lawson, our principal, will contact you to answer any questions that you might have.
Current BLT Members
Matthew Darling, principal
Katherine Pitcher, teacher
Kayla Palmatier, teacher
Katie Webber, teacher
Alysa Robinson, teacher
Barb Demczar, teacher
Jackie Smith, teacher
Diana Canning, parent
Megan D'Alessandro, parent
When Does BLT Meet?
We meet once a month, for an hour after school to plan and implement our goals. Meetings are typically held on the second Tuesday of each month.
How Much Work is Involved?
The meetings are where we do most of our work. There are times, however, when we work on something in between meetings.
What are Some of the Goals that the BLT Have Worked On?
This year, we are working on:
Continuing to develop quarterly STEAM related Principal’s Challenges that families do at home and share with the school community at a PTA event.
Developing a variety of ways to encourage reading at home. Some of the ideas are continuing our One Book, One School initiative, developing a guest reader program, shareing #i read with families, exploring ways to reinvigorate the 1,000 books program, and developing a book recommendation program.
In past years, we have worked on:
- developing quarterly Principal’s Challenges to encourage family engagement in academic areas.
- exploring and implementing Passion Projects.
increasing the engagement of students during independent reading by getting them hooked on a book series -
We ordered new book series to be kept in the library and gave out incentives to encourage reading.
developing “I Can” statements for critical thinking skills -
“I Can” statements are clear and simple statements that are written for students to understand curricular expectations.
creating the Student Expo.
developing a Mission and Vision statement as well as a Motto.
organizing and holding Math and Literacy Nights.
developing a brochure about our school to give to new families.